High School Antigone -- Songs
Act One
1. Sewing Circle Serenade Elinor, Tyler, Fisher, Corey, Beth, Sam
2. Elinor Is Too Intense Elinor
3. Remember When We Were People Arabella, Lillian
4. I Feel Guilty Corey
5. They're Grooming Children to Be Cruel Arabella
6. Irony in Oedipus Arabella, Fisher, Elinor, Tyler, Sam, Beth, Corey
7. Tiresias Arabella, Fisher, Elinor, Tyler, Sam, Beth, Corey
8. Flim-Flam Arabella, Jack
9. They're Whispering Jack
Act Two
1. Chorus of Thebes Sam, Tyler, Corey, Beth, Elinor, Fisher, Arabella
2. Chorus of Overbrook Sam
3. Give Way and Obey Your King Corey
4. They're Whispering (Reprise) Corey and Fisher
5. Ismene Quiet Beth
6. Escape Arabella and Lillian
7. I'm Not the Jerk You Think I Am Corey and Elinor
8. Antigone is So Intense Elinor, Tyler, Fisher, Corey, Beth, Sam