Protest Songs in an Age of Trump1. Be Careful What You Wish For
2. May You Live in Interesting Times 3. Watch Your Step 4. Trump University 5. Disinformation 6. At War With Reality 7. Don't Do This In My Name 8. A Deal With the Devil 9. Nasty Woman 10. Power 11. Why? 12. State of Emergency 13. Medicated 14. Raised and Razed All songs on Protest Songs in an Age of Trump are solo writes. These two versions of it went to press/got released in late 2016/early 2017. Tom Manche played guitar on the "unplugged" version and did the engineering. Scott Neubert played guitar, Matt McGee played bass, Steve Holland played drums and Dwayne Rowe played keys on the other version, and Tim Lorsch came in and added violin, cello and cool, related instruments to some tracks.
Protest Songs in an Age of Trump: Unplugged1. Be Careful What You Wish For
2. May You Live in Interesting Times 3. Watch Your Step 4. Trump University 5. Disinformation 6. At War With Reality 7. Don't Do This In My Name 8. A Deal With the Devil 9. Nasty Woman 10. Power 11. Why? 12. State of Emergency 13. Medicated 14. Raised and Razed Songs by Randy Raatz & Judy Klass1. When You Fall Asleep
2. Mister E 3. One Hundred Proof 4. Steel Snowflakes 5. Heaven 6. Drowning in Shallow People 7. Lost Horizon 8. Vicious Circle 9. Hooks and Tendrils 10. My Heartbeat Will Tell You Vocalists: Judy Klass (6), John Carroll (1, 3, 5 & 7), Ellie Flier (7), Shantel Adams (2 & 9), Randy McLellan (8), Ronnie Kimball (4), Hiram Cuevas (6 BGVs) |